We have closed out 2024 with the installation and commissioning of our latest new CNC machine, a Mazak QT200MSY twin spindle multi function lathe with a Hydrafeed MSV65 bar feeder and an Agile Flex 12D robot. It has the very latest Mazatrol SmoothG CNC control and almost every other feature and option available for a high end machine of this type. Being a fully synchronised twin spindle machine it offers “Done in One” capability where a piece of raw material is manufactured into a finished item without touching a human hand or having to be setup multiple times.
This machine will complement our growing range of CNC’s and EDM machines and help maintain our production rates and quality at World competitive levels. It is particularly suited to the manufacture of our growing range of hydroforming, straight line bullet seating and resizing dies we manufacture for target and ELR shooters across the World.