Design And Quality

All armament components manufactured by Armaments by Design go through a rigorous number of steps before being released for sale. We utilise the Solidworks CAD software for all design work and items that undergo any significant loading in use are analysed utilising FEA (finite element analysis) software which shows the theoretical stress levels experienced in the component when subjected to its designed loadings.

Our primary focus is on quality of design, the use of advanced manufacturing procedures and fit for purpose operation of the equipment we design and manufacture. We have a number of Mechanical Engineers on staff, and they oversee all design, prototype production, testing and final quality check of all manufactured products.

Like all businesses in Australia, we have experienced quality issues with raw material supplies in recent years, whether it be poor quality o’rings that have a short life or aluminium bar that is so inconsistent in structure that it won’t machine cleanly to meet our standards.

We have implemented a strict procurement policy and now only source all our raw materials from proven suppliers primarily in Europe, Japan, and USA. These suppliers are not usually the lowest price, in fact rarely are, but we have found we cannot produce product that meets our set quality levels using the cheapest products in the marketplace.

The parent company behind Armaments By Design has been Quality Assured to ISO9001 by Lloyds Register since 2012, and we plan to have Armaments By Design quality assured under the same standard in the near future.