We have recently installed a new CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) to complement our manufacturing capabilities and assist us in our continuous pursuit of quality control and accuracy in manufacturing.
This machine is a Mitutoyo CRYSTA-Apex V9168 out of Japan with a number of probes to allow us to do practically all internal and external measurements with a very high degree of accuracy. It is capable of measuring to a resolution of one micron (0.0001mm). Microns, also known as micrometres (represented as µm) are a length of measurement equal to one millionth of a meter. (1,000µm is equal to 1mm.) In the imperial measurement system this is 0.00003937”.
We don’t have the digital scanner head for it as yet but that can be added at anytime in the future, allowing us to scan and produce accurate drawings of practically any shape. With all necessary software installed we can set a range of measurement points on a manufactured item and the machine will follow a set routine of measurements and produce a file for our records. The machine is now being used on a daily basis and our skilled machinists find it very easy to operate and programme.
Click the link below to learn more about this amazing machine. https://shop.mitutoyo.eu/media/mitutoyoData/DO/base/pre_1522_-_crysta-apex_v_specifications_web.pdf
High Accuracy Reloading Press
Designed & Manufactured In Australia